Friday, 22 June 2018

UPSC Civil Services (Main) Examination Time Table 2018

UPSC Civil Services (Main) Examination Time Table 2018

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC; Hindi: संघ लोक सेवा आयोग) is India's premier central agency. It is responsible for appointments to and examinations for All India services and group A & group B of Central services.[4] While Department of Personnel and Training is the central personnel agency in India.
The agency's charter is granted by Part XIV of the Constitution of India, titled as Services Under the Union and the States.[5][6] The commission is mandated by the Constitution for appointments to the services of the Union and All India Services. It is also required to be consulted by the Government in matters relating to the appointment, transfer, promotion and disciplinary matters. The commission reports directly to the President and can advise the Government through him. Although, such advice is not binding on the Government. Being a constitutional authority, UPSC is amongst the few institutions which function with both autonomy and freedom, along with the country’s higher judiciary and lately the Election Commission.[7]
The commission is headquartered at Dholpur House, in New Delhi and functions through its own secretariat. Arvind Saxena is its current Chairman of UPSC.
Established on 1 October 1926 as Public Service Commission, it was later reconstituted as Federal Public Service Commission by the Government of India Act, 1935; only to be renamed as today's Union Public Service Commission after the independence.[8][9]

UPSC Civil Services (Main) Examination Time Table 2018 : Click Here 
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