Saturday, 31 March 2018

ITI Mehsana Apprentice Bharti Mela :

ITI Mehsana Apprentice Bharti Mela : Industrial Training Institute (ITI) Mehsana  Invites application for the "Rojgar Bharti Mela". Eligible candidates may Walking for interview on below mentioned date. Candidate is advised to visit official notification before applying for this post. more detailed information regarding educational qualification,age limit,selection procedure,how to apply ,last date for ITI Mehsana Apprentice Bharti Mela.

ITI Mehsana Apprentice Bharti Mela

Name of Organization: ITI Mehsana
Name of the Posts: Various
Educational Qualification: Please read official notification for educational qualification.
Selection Process : Candidates will be selected based on interview.
How to Apply ITI Mehsana Apprentice Bharti Mela"  : Interested candidates may appear for walk in at the address mentioned in the official notification on the time and date mention below.
Date of Interview :  Check in Advt.
Time of Interview : 09:00 am
Venue:  Check in Advt.
Important Links ITI Mehsana Apprentice Bharti Mela
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