Sunday, 11 March 2018

Deen Dayal Port Trust Recruitment 2018 for Jr.Clerk & Jr. Engineer @

Deen Dayal Port Trust Recruitment 2018 at Deen Dayal Port Trust Job Vacancy
Deen Dayal Port Tru has announced an Official Employment Notification to recruit below mentioned Jobs. Deen Dayal Port Trust Recruitment is the best opportunity for the Job Hunters who are in search of Latest Government Jobs in Deen Dayal Port Trust.The candidates can apply for the desired post in the prescribed format on or before Time Limit.Candidate is advised to visit official notification before applying for this post. more detailed information regarding educational qualification,age limit,selection procedure,how to apply ,last date for Deen Dayal Port Trust Recruitment 2018 Posts are mentioned below.

Deen Dayal Port Trust Recruitment 2018

Name of Organization: Deen Dayal Port Trust Recruitment 2018
Official Website:
Deen Dayal Port Trust Recruitment 2018 Job Details:
Post Name:
1.Junior Clerk
Educational Qualification :  Graduates having sufficient knowledge in computers in office automation software
like MS WORD, MS EXCEL, etc. with 6 months certificate course in the Computers (ii) the proficiency in computers shall be judged through typing test, etc. on computer in MS WORD, MS EXCEL, etc.
Salary : Rs. 16,300-38,200
2. Junior Engineer
Educational Qualification : Degree in Civil Engineering OR Diploma in Civil Engineering with 3 years‘
Salary : Rs. 21,000-53,500
Selection Process : The selection will be made on the basis of performance in ONLINE examination, proficiency test as applicable, weightage of educational qualification
Nationality : India
How to Apply Deen Dayal Port Trust Vacancy?
Candidates meeting the eligibility criteria, requisite essential qualifications may apply online through the link available on DPT website under ‗Recruitment Section‘. Responsibility of receiving, downloading and printing of Admit Card for online test/ Call letter for Proficiency tests shall be that of the
candidates. DPT will not be responsible for any loss of E-mail sent, due to invalid/wrong E-mail ID provided by the candidate or delivery of emails to Spam/ Bulk mail folder etc
Important Dates for Deen Dayal Port Trust Vacancy 2018:
Online Application Start Date:12-03-2018
Online Application Last Date:31-03-2018
Important Links for Deen Dayal Port Trust Jobs 2018:
Detail Advertisement Link :
Apply Online :
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